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Our Memberships


MAJOSZ stands for "Magyar Járműalkatrészgyártók Országos Szövetsége," which in English translates to "National Association of Hungarian Vehicle Component Manufacturers."

MAGEOSZ stands for "Magyar Gépipari és Energetikai Országos Szövetség," which in English translates to "Hungarian Mechanical and Energy Industry Federation."

It is a global organization focused on conscious business networking.

CSMKIK stands for "Csongrád Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara," which in English translates to "Csongrád County Chamber of Commerce and Industry."

KISZÖV stands for "Csongrád Megyei Iparszövetség," which in English translates to "Csongrád County Industrial Association."

OKISZ stands for "Országos Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara Szövetség," which in English translates to "National Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry."
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