A significant economic advantage can be achieved if welding technology is developed with the welding process of the future, laser welding, in the field of welding sheet metal components. Laser welding can be used as a manual process, but it can also be automated or robotized.
The main advantages of laser welding compared to traditional arc welding processes:
- no seam preparation is necessary, no need for subsequent work or cleaning
- the seam is perfect in the entire cross-section, the seam strength is greater
- minimal heat input, significantly less stress and deformation
- perfect seams even without wire material
- non-contact spot welding
A significant economic advantage can be achieved if welding technology is developed with the welding process of the future, laser welding, in the field of welding sheet metal components. Laser welding can be used as a manual process, but it can also be automated or robotized.
The main advantages of laser welding compared to traditional arc welding processes:
- no seam preparation is necessary, no need for subsequent work or cleaning
- the seam is perfect in the entire cross-section, the seam strength is greater
- minimal heat input, significantly less stress and deformation
- perfect seams even without wire material
- non-contact spot welding